
Showing posts from June, 2007

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation There is a glass wall between you and I I can see your figure moving along my side, I can also hear your voice as you speak to me, I can even smell your aftershave as fresh as ever I can still feel the touch of your skin as I reach for your face for i feel this glass so thin you would think it is barely there but the truth remains, and this glass is still a barrier that would never brake, for my lips would never feel the soft touch of your kiss and my arms would never know the calming warmth of your embrace; as i realize this, the image of you that I could so clearly see before now it suddenly fades, leaving me only fogged shapes in the shadows i can still get glimpses of you trying to get a message across for i struggle in front of this wall to see if i can interpret your motions yet it is useless, your code is sending me mixed signals and i can not seem to figure you out just yet i get annoyed, angry, frustrated, despair comes in i stand ...

Galloping Thougths

Hypocrite How do you stop all those feelings from coming to the surface? How do you prevent them form rising? How do you keep them at bay and ignore them? How do you stop yourself from acting upon them? Do you know? How can you tell me not to, when i know you want to? How can you tell me stop, when you want to go on? How can you ask me to forget, when you yourself want things to remain? How can you be such a hypocrite?

From The Desk Of Nadeshko Kikyo

El Valor De Vuestro Cuerpo Que ocurrencias tan desfortunadas os obligaria a vender vuestro cuerpo? De que sentimientos tan bestiales huiria tal alma de guerrero, Que amor tan infame ah roto vuestro corazon tan apacionado, Y que plaga a contaminado vuestros pozos de tan inmenza sadiduria. Quisiera saber el precio de esta tan llamada baratija, pues mas bien no seria de valor el uso que tendria lo que me interesaria, si mas la historia que consigo llevaria, aquel que aunque abatido, conservaria vestigios de todo lo que solo vuestro propio cuerpo os puede ofrecer y pienso que vos sos un tonto al imaginar por un instante en desecharle, pues si no bajo este cuerpo bajo que otro os reconoceria...........

From The Desk Of Drako Murdock

Diario de Drako Vendo cuerpo sin alma, con el corazon roto y la inteligencia agotada. os lo dejo barato, veo que hay mucha oferta en el mercado ...