
Showing posts from August, 2011

My dearest Black Widow:

I know of the pain you speak,  I have seen it,  I'm well familiar with the darkness that you dread  for I have been there,  I know your worries and concerns more than anyone alive,  I want you to have a brigth day and shine with your own ligth,  not have to battle anything or anyone for what u deserve;  and even though I could speak of you  of the beauty of the butterflies in spring,  and speak of all the colors before black  or of the golden dawn before the dark,  what use would it be, if you would  at the end of the day be afraid of the dark,  remember that even the night has its music,  and it is as well beautiful, for it has its own purpose,  I agree with them, no rush decisions,  hold it till u can when u can no longer,  let go with no regrets...  Ill be there backing you up every step of the way.

I Still Believe...

I still believe I'll find my soul-mate, I still  believe  that there is someone out there just like me, I still believe in prince charming, I still believe in the fairytale, I still believe of being swept of my feet, I still believe the one who would follow exists, I still believe he will be strong enough to break all my barriers; It's not insane,  I still believe... I want the night,  I want the dress,  I want  the slow dance,  I want  the kiss, I want  the  happily ever after, I want it all... Now tell me, is it to much to ask? or am I destined to be without, what must I do? what wouldn't I do; A tear escapes my right eye, and I can't help but wonder... have I seen him before and didn't recognize the spark in his eyes, have I talk to him before and didn't decipher the...