Back in time
Go back in time I wish I could, feel the hope and passion that came with younger years, the power that we could, do it all and feel it so deeply,
go back in time I wish I could, back to the time when everything seem possible and we had the world in our favor,
go back in time I wish I could, when time was our friend, and summer lasted a life time,
go back in time I wish I could, to the sense of freedom we had, for someone was responsible for us yet we still could make your own choices,
go back in time I wish I could, be able to once more have conversations about subject grater than we could grasp and still sound so knowledgeable,
go back in time I wish I could, draw my utopia in the the back of a notebook and call it my future
go back in time I wish I could, where plans included how to outdo our last prank and actually getting away with it,
go back in time I wish I could, long walks back home under the blazing sun at the rhythm of the beat on my CD player.
Back in the time I wish I could, and take advantage of all those times I could have but I did not,
change my present, to the dream I had in times where dreams where the reality and the reality a dream.
Oh! how I wish I could back in time go.
You still have time...there is always time as long as we come alive...