
I wish I could find that someone that would move mountains for me, 
someone that would be right there for me when ever I am in need,
someone that would jump through hoops for me,
someone to take star out of the sky as a gift for me 
someone that when ever I call will stop what ever his doing just to be there,
someone to make me laugh in moments of despair and will never hesitate,
I wish that hug that would make everything go away, 
and this is not a mother's touch or a friend's kind words of understanding, 
Its something else, something far beyond, don't know its name, for it has so many,
I recognize it, I have seen it, I have had it twice before and thrice more have I lost it, 
now I miss it, wonder if I would ever get to have it again.....

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. I have decided to forget about that person or those people...life shouldn't be about finding those people or those people finding us...it should be about so much more, because it has a lot more to offer in each day, in each moment in each breath...and we lose it because we are to worried in the wait for that being...
    It all depends on what we do in the "wait" or if we are waiting at all...

  2. While I agree with your words kind friend, I also have to say that I miss it, though I no longer wait for it. I just live each day and enjoy each moment. If that person is out there I trust that he will come to me when the time is right. Live, Love, Laugh each day.

  3. I know what you mean...life is a bit messed up.


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